Www Wcca Wicourts Gov
Wisconsin Court System - Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (WCCA ...
WCCA was created in 1999 in response to increasing requests from district attorneys, law enforcement, and other court business partners to access court records. Businesses, members of the media, and the general public have benefited from WCCA and many have come to rely on it as their primary means of accessing circuit court data.
https://www.wicourts.gov/courts/committees/wcca.htmWisconsin Court System
Welcome to the Wisconsin Court System's website. I hope that you will find the site to be informative and useful. Our website provides a wealth of information ranging from an overview of the Wisconsin Court System to general court information and, when possible, answers to specific questions.
https://www.wicourts.gov/Case Search - wscca.wicourts.gov
Circuit Court Case Number. Example: Type 02cf1 for case 2002CF000001. Party Name. Last First Middle. When searching using the Middle Name field, also show parties without a middle name. Enter at least 3 characters of the last name and either a first or middle name. If you do not know the full name, enter part of the name and the wildcard symbol
https://wscca.wicourts.gov/caseSearchPage.doWisconsin Court System - Pay court fees/fines online
Search wicourts.gov. eFile/eCourts Wisconsin's digital court system. Home; eFile/eCourts; Pay fees/fines; Pay court fees/fines online. The Wisconsin Court System's circuit court payment system allows payment of circuit court fees and fines in all Wisconsin counties. ... WCCA; Updated: February 13, 2022.
https://www.wicourts.gov/ecourts/payonline.htmWisconsin Court System - Circuit courts
The Wisconsin circuit courts are the state's trial courts. Circuit courts have original jurisdiction in all civil and criminal matters within the state, including probate, juvenile, and traffic matters, as well as civil and criminal jury trials.
http://wicourts.gov/courts/circuit/index.htmWisconsin Court System - Forms
Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (WCCA) Oversight Committee; Wisconsin Court Records Management Committee; Public access to justice. ... Search wicourts.gov. Circuit court forms Official forms of the Wisconsin Court System. Home; Forms; Circuit court forms; Directory list; Navigate this section. Circuit court forms.
https://www.wicourts.gov/formsWisconsin Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Case Access
WELCOME to the Wisconsin Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Case Access system for the Internet. WSCCA provides public access to the status of appeals filed with the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. Generally, this site includes appeals that were considered "Open" from the end of 1993 forward. While every attempt has ...
https://wscca.wicourts.gov/index.xslWisconsin Court System - Livestream courts
Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (WCCA) Oversight Committee; Wisconsin Court Records Management Committee; Public access to justice. ... The following are external links and will take you away from the wicourts.gov site. A-E; F-J; K-O; P-T; U-Z; Barron County. Branch 1; Branch 3; Bayfield County. Branch 1; Brown County. Branch 4; Branch 6; Branch ...
https://www.wicourts.gov/ecourts/livestream.htmConsolidated Court Automation Programs (CCAP) - Wisconsin Court System
CCAP Online Services. CCAP provides a variety of online services for attorneys, justice partners, and the public. Besides the examples listed below, the courts provide information regarding a lawyer's public disciplinary history on the OLR Discipline Compendium and many self-help options in the court self-help center, including forms assistance for small claims, restraining orders, and family law.